Wednesday, March 18, 2020


A model that fills in what lacks in others, A model that not only deals with one unit but other sub-dimensions, A Humanistic Model of Wellness. A model of practice that promotes both externally and internally the Physical, Mental, and Social health (Cognitive, psychomotor, and effective domain). This wellness model is not only applicable and practiced to oneself but rather it can be done to other people. An important aspect needed as a Physical Therapist. The 3 sub - dimensions (physical, mental, and social) are classifies as follows: Physical, the one that is not primarily mental in nature. this includes the disease and medical conditions, drugs, nutrition, aerobic capacity, muscular fitness, flexibility, and body composition. Mental, conditions that are primarily mental in nature. It includes intellectual stimulation, emotions, behavior - type patters, locus of control, hardiness, stress, happiness, and purpose of life. Social, the last sub - dimension. An aspect in which ethics, family, community, environment, provision of Physical Therapy, and occupational wellness are its components. A sub - dimension can overlap, enhance, or positively affect the entire wellness but should be differentiated and identified from one another.

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